From the series: A Trashy Holiday Collection

A Trashy Christmas Romance

A Trashy Holiday Collection

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 Holly Jolly Cromwell hated Christmas after being born on it. Everything about it annoyed her. The repetitive music. How it took over November and smothered Thanksgiving. Those creepy elves that were supposed to watch the children and make sure they were nice and not naughty. Most of all, she was sour over the fact that she could never celebrate her birthday. Her older brother and golden child of the family never grew out of his childhood bullying and tantrums over her getting both Christmas and birthday gifts her first birthday, and it followed her long into her adult years. She forced herself to smile and get through it for the sake of her younger siblings and keeping the peace with her parents.

However, year after year of being the backup caregiver for her younger siblings and dealing with the golden child, she found herself starting to slip. A chance meeting at a club leads her into the arms of a man who has the missing pieces she never knew she lost. 

Praise for this book

A cutsey book with tons of spice that leaves me wanting more. Please tell me there's a book 2 in the works - I have to know what happens with the kids next!

Holly Jolly Cromwell (yes, that's her real name) has always hated Christmas because she was born on it. It was seen as a serious inconvenience by her brother, and she was blamed for ruining his Christmas the day she was born. She hates the repetitive music, how it took over November, and how it made Thanksgiving lose its importance. She hates the creepy Elf on the Shelf dolls (frankly, I can't blame her there). The thing that makes her the most hateful of Christmas is she has never and can never celebrate her birthday. Her older brother still bullies her about having to get her Christmas and birthday presents for her first birthday, and because he's the golden child, he doesn't get scolded for it. She feels like she just has to grin and bear it so as not to ruin things for her younger siblings and her parents. She starts to slip from the pressure of having to take care of her younger siblings and having to put up with her brother's abuse. She goes to a club to unwind and has a chance meeting with a man who may have the missing pieces she never knew she had and needed! This book was my favorite Christmas read this past year! As the title suggests, this is indeed a trash Christmas romance, in all the best ways! It was dirty and romantic. I can't wait to read more from Sinnamon. She has a lifelong fan in me! ❤

A great seasonal novella that is sexy from the start and manages some surprisingly cute holiday vibes too. Filled out my Self Published square on SNOW in Love Bingo this winter!